Consumer Experience Specialist 모집
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㈜소니인터랙티브엔터테인먼트코리아 로고   Consumer Experience Specialist 모집
담당업무 Role Overview :

This role is integral in ensuring PlayStation customers get a wonderful game playing experience. As an Asia Consumer Experience specialist, you will be responsible for the daily running and management of the PlayStation Customer support teams in Asia countries. 


Our ideal candidates are an experienced professional with customer support or contact centre operations who has outstanding communication skills via phone and email and ability to work efficiently.



What you’ll be doing :

l  Daily operations management with our outsourced contact centre vendors

    for specified contracts

l  Ensuring Vendor meets the SLA and KPI target every week 

l  Ensure the vendor processes meet global controls and compliance requirements.

l  Change Management oversee vendor readiness to support new product /

    service launches, changes to business process and tools.

l  Conducts quality assurance evaluation and improve consumer’s experience.

l  Utilize strong analytical ability to evaluate end-to-end customer experience

   across multiple channels call, email, chat, SNS and customer touch points

l  Channel strategy and operation for cost efficiency

l  Measuring and reporting on the performance of the vendor


Requirements : 

l  Bachelor's degree in business administration or any other relevant field

l  At least 2 years of work experience in operation team in Contact centre vendor  

   management or in a similar role

l  Task management skills and understanding how to manage the priorities of

   multiple stakeholders in a complex environment and focus on the delivery

   of KPI results

l  Ability to work across groups managing individuals both directly and indirectly

    to achieve a team goal.

l  Enthusiastic and creative with the ability to inspire others

l  Business level of communication skill in English 

l  Strong analytical skills and data-driven thinking

인원 ㆍ0명



급여 및 근무조건
ㆍ근무형태 : 정규직(수습기간 3개월)
ㆍ지원금/보험 : 건강검진, 각종 경조사 지원, 단체보험, 선택적복리후생
ㆍ급여제도 : 퇴직금, 성과금, 연차수당, 4대보험
ㆍ선물 : 명절선물, 생일선물
ㆍ교육/생활 : 외국어 교육 지원, 자기계발비 지원, 사내동호회 운영, 음료제공(차,커피)
ㆍ근무 환경 : 휴게실, 회의실, 게임기, 사원증, 자회사 제품할인, 사무용품 지급
ㆍ조직문화 : 회식강요 안함, 야근강요 안함, 자유복장
ㆍ출퇴근 : 야간교통비 지급
ㆍ리프레시 : 연차, 반차, 산전 후 휴가, 육아휴직, 남성출산휴가
서류전형 sample img 1차 면접 sample img 2차 면접 sample img 임원 면접 sample img 최종합격
ㆍ지원 시 경력사항이 포함된 영문 Resume를 첨부해주세요.
접수기간 및 방법
ㆍ접수기간 : 2023. 3. 24 ~ 4. 16 22:00 까지
ㆍ접수방법 : 당사 채용 홈페이지에서 입사지원 (http://siek.saramin.co.kr)
지원 시 영문 Resume를 첨부해주세요.
접수 순서에 따라 면접이 진행될 수 있습니다.
ㆍ회사 정보는 회사 홈페이지 (www.siek.co.kr / https://asia.playstation.com/ko-kr)에서 확인해주세요.
ㆍ개별 전화 문의는 사절하오니 양해 바랍니다.
ㆍ입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.
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